0 | Monthly views | DAILYKENN.COM |
1 | 79,787,218 | Breitbart | https://www.breitbart.com/ |
2 | 41,714,678 | Zero Hedge | https://www.zerohedge.com/ |
3 | 30,744,711 | Gateway Pundit | https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/ |
4 | 24,000,000 | Daily Wire | https://www.dailywire.com/ |
5 | 22,578,694 | Washington Examiner | https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/ |
6 | 16,979,685 | Epoch Times | https://www.theepochtimes.com/ |
7 | 15,425,478 | Newsmax.com | https://www.newsmax.com/ |
8 | 14,977,419 | Town Hall | https://townhall.com |
9 | 12,806,706 | Western Journal | https://www.westernjournal.com/ |
10 | 10,850,000 | Red State | https://www.redstate.com/ |
11 | 10,500,000 | PJ Media | https://pjmedia.com/ |
12 | 10,361,014 | Daily Caller | https://dailycaller.com/ |
13 | 9,320,000 | Infowars | https://www.infowars.com/ |
14 | 8,846,579 | Citizen Free Press | https://citizenfreepress.com/ |
15 | 8,363,841 | National Review | https://www.nationalreview.com/ |
16 | 7,410,000 | Twitchy | https://twitchy.com/ |
17 | 6,013,930 | Populist Press | https://populist.press/ |
18 | 5,809,730 | What Finger | https://www.whatfinger.com/ |
19 | 5,250,000 | American Thinker | https://www.americanthinker.com |
20 | 5,064,319 | Just the News | https://justthenews.com/ |
21 | 5,064,319 | One America News | https://www.oann.com/ |
22 | 4,455,225 | Bongino Report | https://bonginoreport.com/ |
23 | 4,347,384 | Conservative Treehouse | https://theconservativetreehouse.com/ |
24 | 4,127,529 | Liberty Daily | https://thelibertydaily.com/ |
25 | 3,994,642 | National Pulse | https://thenationalpulse.com/ |
26 | 3,730,000 | World Net Daily | https://www.wnd.com/ |
27 | 3,382,867 | CBN News | https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews |
28 | 3,009,569 | Post Millenial | https://thepostmillennial.com/ |
29 | 2,883,701 | Sean Hannity | https://hannity.com/ |
30 | 2,842,659 | National File | https://nationalfile.com |
31 | 2,641,540 | Washington Free Beacon | https://freebeacon.com/ |
32 | 2,590,000 | News Busters | https://www.newsbusters.org/ |
33 | 2,480,000 | Law Enforcement Today | https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/ |
34 | 2,410,000 | Biz Pac Review | https://www.bizpacreview.com/ |
35 | 2,015,683 | Conservative Brief | https://conservativebrief.com/ |
36 | 1,976,632 | Unz Review | https://www.unz.com/ |
37 | 1,790,000 | CNS News | https://cnsnews.com/ |
38 | 1,770,000 | Weasel Zippers | https://www.weaselzippers.us/ |
39 | 1,734,291 | Conservative Brief | https://conservativebrief.com/ |
40 | 1,650,000 | American Conservative | https://www.theamericanconservative.com/ |
41 | 1,606,499 | Right Scoop | https://therightscoop.com |
42 | 1,590,000 | Daily Signal | https://www.dailysignal.com/ |
43 | 1,563,927 | Disrn | https://disrn.com/ |
44 | 1,491,492 | Bannon's War Room | https://pandemic.warroom.org/ |
45 | 1,490,000 | Judicial Watch | https://www.judicialwatch.org/ |
46 | 1,456,575 | American Renaissance | https://www.amren.com/ |
47 | 1,450,000 | Dan Bongino | https://bongino.com/ |
48 | 1,261,137 | Neon Nettle | https://neonnettle.com/ |
49 | 1,165,832 | Big League Politics | https://bigleaguepolitics.com/ |
50 | 1,133,085 | American Spectator | https://spectator.org/ |
51 | 1,080,650 | NTD | https://www.ntd.com/ |
52 | 1,017,208 | Chicks on the Right | https://www.chicksonright.com/ |
53 | 903,080 | Life News | https://www.lifenews.com/ |
54 | 862,261 | Gab Trends | https://trends.gab.com/ |
55 | 859,817 | Rantingly | https://rantingly.com/ |
56 | 710,093 | Jihad Watch | https://www.jihadwatch.org/ |
57 | 702,003 | VDare | https://vdare.com/ |
58 | 698,665 | Rebel News | https://www.rebelnews.com/ |
59 | 648,668 | Conservative Review | https://www.conservativereview.com/ |
60 | 639,927 | Charlie Kirk | https://charliekirk.com/ |
61 | 612,830 | Campus Reform | https://www.campusreform.org/ |
62 | 599,000 | Geller Report | https://gellerreport.com/ |
63 | 569,260 | Lifezette | https://www.lifezette.com |
64 | 548,580 | College Fix | https://www.thecollegefix.com/ |
65 | 415,810 | Intellectual Takeout | https://www.intellectualtakeout.org/ |
66 | 406,520 | New American | https://www.thenewamerican.com/ |
67 | 375,590 | Right Wing Tribune | https://rightwingtribune.com/ |
68 | 301,268 | Real America Voice | https://americasvoice.news/ |
69 | 301,208 | Amerian Lookout | https://americanlookout.com |
70 | 261,600 | American Family Assoc | https://www.afa.net/ |
71 | 236,583 | Liberty Nation | https://www.libertynation.com/ |
72 | 209,960 | Black Sphere | https://theblacksphere.net |
73 | 200,498 | Bad Blue News | http://badblue.bitnamiapp.com/trendr8.htm |
74 | 187,867 | Conservative Daily News | https://www.conservativedailynews.com/ |
75 | 184,608 | The First TV | https://www.thefirsttv.com/ |
76 | 181,080 | Voice of Europe | https://voiceofeurope.com/ |
77 | 180,531 | Lid | https://lidblog.com/ |
78 | 174,363 | Clash Daily | https://clashdaily.com/ |
79 | 173,058 | Bare Naked Islam | https://barenakedislam.com/ |
80 | 130,033 | Religion of Peace | https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/ |
81 | 129,181 | Conservative Choice Campaign | https://conservativechoicecampaign.com/ |
82 | 99,859 | News Ammo | https://newsammo.com/ |
83 | 79,254 | Daily Kenn | http://dailykenn.com |
84 | 74,783 | LaCorte News | https://www.lacortenews.com/ |
85 | unknown | Daily Surge | https://dailysurge.com/ |
86 | unknown | We the Voice | https://www.wethevoicenews.com/ |
87 | unknown | Allah's Willing Executioners | https://medforth.blog |
88 | unknown | American Wire | https://theusawire.com/ |
89 | unknown | Atheist Conservative | https://theatheistconservative.com/ |
90 | unknown | Conservative Daily | https://conservative-daily.com/ |
91 | unknown | Conservative News Daily | https://www.conservativenewsdaily.net/ |
92 | unknown | Conservative Play List | https://conservativeplaylist.com/ |
93 | unknown | Human Evolution News | https://www.subspecieist.com |
94 | unknown | Immigration Reform | https://www.immigrationreform.com/ |
95 | unknown | Instapundit | https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/ |
96 | unknown | Jeffery Meyers Unleased | https://jefferymyersunleashed.io/ |
97 | unknown | National Conservative | https://merica1st.com/ |
98 | unknown | Red Eagle Politics | https://www.redeaglepolitics.com/ |
99 | unknown | RFangle | https://rfangle.com/ |
100 | unknown | Jermaine Botsio | jbtalkradionews.com |
101 | unknown | American Consequences | https://americanconsequences.com/ |
102 | unknown | Foundation for Econ Ed | https://fee.org/stories |
103 | unknown | Liberty One News | https://libertyonenews.com/ |
104 | unknown | Wolf Daily | https://wolfdaily.com/ |
105 | unknown | DC Patriot | https://thedcpatriot.com/ |
106 | unknown | Laura Loomer | https://loomered.com/ |
| https://sitechecker.pro |