
DailyKenn.com — Let's delve into the shallow minds of leftist dip-think. No need to don your scuba gear, it's only ankle deep. 

What we find is the unsubstantiated notion of 'white privilege.' It's a Marxist neologism that replaces the tell-tale label 'bourgeois.' 

The purpose is to convince us there are two classes of competing classes: First is the oppressive bourgeois. Second is the oppressed proletariat. 

As bourgeois has been relabeled 'white privilege,' proletariat has been rebranded 'people of color.'

There you have it. Simple. The far left is dividing us into two make-believe classes. It's intent is to compel the oppressed people-of-color proletariat — including mega-millionaire pro-athletes — to rise up against their oppressors — like Tom Brady. 

So how, pray tell, is Brady oppressing mega-millionaire black athletes?

According to leftist lore — something they seem to concoct on the fly — Brady is so privileged that he can dart in and out of political commentary unmolested. Black athletes don't have that privilege? I guess not. 

In short, the Marxists among us are desperate to find oppression to stifle the vexation inherent to cognitive dissonance. That is, they have to make up nonsense to justify their discredited ideology. 

Truth be known — and it is there to see for those whose glasses aren't fogged by face masks — black people are privileged to live in America. Just like the rest of us. Black pro-athletes who earn more income in a month that many whites earn in a lifetime are uber-privilged. Again, that grates against the sensitivities of Marxism that must MUST! find oppression at every turn, even if they have to concoct it out of thin air. And that, my friends, is a summation of white privilege: A Marxist concoction intended to justify its flawed and discredited ideology. 

Indeed, Brady is privileged. But not because he is white. Brady is privileged to live in the United State of America as are all of his teammates, fan base, and that tiny minority of us who find professional sports to be boorish with the notable exception of NASCAR. 

So, don your balaclavas, my Marxist friends (you can buy them on Amazon or steal them from Target). Hoist your Antifa flags, and torch the 7-Eleven at your nearby black neighborhood. There is social injustice to oppose: Namely, Tom Brady is more privileged than, say, someone named Kaypernick (misspelled on purpose). We ain't gonna put up with it.