Monday, March 15, 2021 — Reports say that 10 percent of men fail the Army Combat Fitness Test [ACFT]. 65 percent of women fail the test. 

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That results in a disparity between men and women when it comes to advancement. Some far-left Democrats believe the test results should not be a criteria for advancement. 

The outcome, of course, will be a weakened Army. Literally. 

It also coincides with simple science but contradicts the Marxist notion that gender is nothing more than a social construct. 


• We wonder what other differences exist between men and women that Marxist hide under their science-denying dogma. 

• We wonder how long it will be before the Marxist misconception of equality will be applied to other fields of endeavor. 

For example, if more women are being accepted into nursing programs than men, will educational institutions apply equity standards to balance the gender gap?

If more East Asian applicants are  being accepted by Ivy League universities than black applicants, will those schools alter their acceptance criteria to create equity? If more blacks are being accepted by professional basketball teams than East Asians, will the leagues calibrate accordingly to create equity? 

If more Indians than blacks are being accepted to train as brain surgeons...?

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Congress has now declared that the test in its current form should not be a factor in deciding whether someone gets promoted. Officials were also considering whether to use “gender-specific” percentile groupings when it came time to review potential promotions.

“All they are going to see for evaluation is which percentile the soldier falls into,” an Army official told last month. “The gender identity will not be included in that information. If anything, it’s a more gender-neutral assessment process because it doesn’t show the raw scores.”

Captain Kristen Griest, the Army’s first female infantry officer, wrote last month that “lowering fitness standards to accommodate women will hurt the Army–and women.”

Griest said that implementing “gender-based scoring” or reducing “the minimum standards for combat arms” would “have both immediate and insidious impacts on combat effectiveness, as well as on women’s credibility and potential.”

“The entire purpose of creating a gender-neutral test was to acknowledge the reality that each job has objective physical standards to which all soldiers should be held, regardless of gender,” she wrote. “The intent was not to ensure that women and men will have an equal likelihood of meeting those standards. Rather, it is incumbent upon women who volunteer for the combat arms profession to ensure they are fully capable and qualified for it. To not require women to meet equal standards in combat arms will not only undermine their credibility, but also place those women, their teammates, and the mission at risk.”