
DailyKenn.com — We get it. Disliking others due to immutable characteristics, such as race or gender, is immoral and illogical. 

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What we don't get is why anti-racists impose racial quotas to fight racism. It's akin to fighting fire with fire or pouring water on a drowning man. 

On one hand, social justice warriors are adamant in their conclusion that race is a non-existent social construct. On the other hand, they see racism everywhere. 

To remedy the problem of racism within its ranks, the Church of England is set to ponder to possibilities of imposing racial quotas. Apparently, the church sees itself as too white. 

Take aways...

• We have a better idea. Why not try being less white and serve Coca-Cola for communion?

• Better yet: Employ the principle of freedom of association. 

• It could be that non-white people don't care for the stuffy liturgy of the Church of England. Blacks, in particular, may prefer a more lively worship service.

• Could it be that the Church of England has strayed so far from the old time religion and into the realm of cultural Marxism that it no longer has a reason to exist as a church?  

• Is it an expression of white narcissism to demand non-whites affiliate themselves with your traditional white church? Are you so superior that they should abandon their own churches to satiate your appetite for social justice signalling?

• And we wonder... Are the Muslims in Britain — or anywhere, for that matter — fretting over racial disparities?

Excerpted from dailywire.com ▼

The Church of England may impose racial and minority ethnic quotas for its clergy and institute new training to promote anti-racism, according to a leaked report.

The report is slated to be given to the Archbishops’ Council next week by the Church of England’s anti-racism task force, which rolled out after Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby apologized for his denomination’s alleged historical sins last year.


23 Mar 2021