Monday, March 1, 2021 — The difference between CN (Cartoon Network) and CNN (Cable News Network) is format, not ideology it appears. 

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CN is serving up a woke cartoon teaching children to see color; that is, to acknowledge and accept our differences. I fail to see the problem, at least on that level. We are different. We should acknowledge our differences. We should name our identities rather than our supposed privileges and celebrate those identities. 

The mantra is 'name it and claim it.' Name your race, gender, and other biological characteristics. Acknowledge your strengths (at the risk of being labeled a supremacist) and weakness (such as pathological empathy). 

So where's the problem? 

The problem exist in the far-left's inconsistencies. On one hand, we are told that race is a social construct. It's only skin deep. On the other hand is the message that we are different. The second message is true. There are score, perhaps hundreds, of biological characteristics that determine one's race. To deny those markers is to immerse oneself in abject denial. 

So which is it? Celebrate our differences or deny them? The far left is confused. 

Beneath the far-left's identitarian message (a good thing, in my opinion) is the globalist mindset (a bad thing). 

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In the woke revolution, even cartoons are being employed to ensure the indoctrination doesn’t miss anyone.

Two of the elements of the so-called “anti-racist” agenda are forcing Americans to abandon notions of colorblindness and to redefine their relations with others based on race.

You must see color to defeat white supremacy, so the self-described anti-racists say.