Monday, April 5, 2021 — Facebook and Google should be subjected to public utility regulation, Justice Clarence Thomas seems to believe. 

Thomas is fuming over the big-tech giants' censorship; particularly their attempt to hush Donald Trump. 

Thomas seems to view discrimination based on ideology no different from discrimination based on race. Public utilities may not legally discriminate.

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Thomas also suggested that the social media firms could be subject to regulation as public accommodations, although they are already covered by state and federal anti-discrimination laws. The justice didn’t elaborate much on that argument, but he hinted that the platforms’ First Amendment rights could be limited much as business owners can be forced to accept customers regardless of race or religion.

Thomas said a major protection for internet firms, known as Section 230, underscores the role of social media companies as common carriers. He also argued that some courts are abusing that provision to immunize “bad-faith” decisions to remove content posted by third parties.


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