Friday, April 30, 2021 — The Proud Boys seem to have female counterpart: Mamalitia. 

Reports say the group of woman began as opponents to forced vaccinations. It also advocates Second Amendment rights. 

What's more, reports Mamalitia offers survival-skills training. 

One college professor and presumed expert on the group worried that members posed for photos while holding firearms, a sure-fire bet they are extremists. 

Take aways ...

• It short time the group will likely be damned by the ADL or SPLC as a hate group.

• We assume the group was infiltrated by the FBI, DHS, or some other alphabet investigation bureau. 

• Because Mamalitia doesn't align with far-left extremist views, it will likely be labeled a 'far-right extremist group.'

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Mamalitia was formed in 2019, and is based in California where the founder saw a need to prepare women during a time of uncertainty. We are a non partisan group of women who support the Constitution and support uplifting other women. We are made of of professionals and homemakers, women trained in natural medicine, business owners, mothers and women who want to learn how to be self sustaining if and when needed. 

Our women are trained in how to communicate should we be cut off 

Our women are trained in protecting our homes  

Our women are trained in how to prepare with food and supplies 

Our women are trained in medic skills

Our women are trained in community support

Our women are creating schools 

The tyrants have created women who are ready to go like its 1776

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It started as a group of moms condemning vaccine mandates, and then the COVID-19 vaccine.

You’ll see them marketing themselves on their website toting big firearms, but on Facebook, Aguilar denies this is an extremist group and says they’ve never shown violence.

“We are not violent, we have not been on a watchlist. We are simply a group of women who are training each other and networking together,” she said.

Dr. Richard Carpiano is a professor of public policy and sociology at the University of California, Riverside who has followed the group and its movements on social media since its founding.

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