
DailyKenn.com — Cisnormative values? Add that to the long list of language-loading terms used by the far-left. 

Two Montclair State University researchers reportedly used the term when advocating for inoculating children with “LGBTQ-inclusive” sex education. The professors apparently want to head off ‘cisnormative values' before they become ingrained. 

The university is located in New Jersey. 

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• It appears the professors are unwittingly admitting that 'cisnormative values' are, in fact, normal. That implies that LGBTQ values are abnormal and must be artificial instilled in minds that otherwise would naturally reject them. 

Excerpted from campusreform.org ▼

Eva Goldfarb and Lisa Lieberman of Montclair State University examined studies on sexual education ranging from grade school to twelfth grade. They found that “substantial evidence supports sex education beginning in elementary school, that is scaffolded and of longer duration, as well as LGBTQ-inclusive education across the school curriculum and a social justice approach to healthy sexuality.”

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