Monday, April 19, 2021 — Race riots are part of America's legacy; evidence that diversity is not a strength. Rather, diversity can be a tinder box that frequently erupts in deadly flames. 

Sometimes, irresponsible people throw fuel on the fires of hatred and violence. It appears that far-left politician Maxine Waters is one of the extremists. 

Waters appeared on C-SPAN and specifically named young black men in her justification of riots in California. 

According to, "By the time the riots ended, 63 people had been killed, 2,383 had been injured, more than 12,000 had been arrested, and estimates of property damage were over $1 billion, much of which disproportionately affected Koreatown, where the bulk of rioting occurred." 

Even back then, East Asians were targets of racial hatred.  

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