Thursday, April 22, 2021 — The truth is, about ten percent of White homicides are committed by police. Compare that to three percent of Black homicides caused by police. 

"Homicide" is understood as the act of one human killing another.

That is, for every one hundred Whites killed by another person, about ten of the killers are police. For ever one hundred Blacks killed by another person, only about three are killed by police. 

That suggests that blacks are more likely to kill each other than whites.

According to Heather MacDonald,  "Blacks die of homicide at a rate 13 TIMES that of whites.  The rate of police shootings for unarmed blacks, there were 18 unarmed blacks were killed last year were killed by police.  Unarmed was defined very liberally to mean going after an officer’s gun or fleeing in a stolen car with a loaded handgun on the seat next to you.  Those 18 unarmed blacks represent 0.2% of all blacks who died of homicide last year."

MacDonald is the author of The Diversity Delusion and was quoted when interviewed by Rob Schmitt on Newsmax, courtesy of


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