Monday, April 26, 2021 — During a recent Zoom call between heads of state, White House occupant Joe Biden wore a mask. Most others did not. 

The question as to why he would do such an odd thing came up in a presser with White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.

Psaki's response: "Because he is sending a message to the world..."  

That prompts the obvious: "What message is he sending?"

The answer, again, should be obvious: Because he is senile. 


Here are few other explanations...

1. He's drooling. It's a literal face diaper. 

2. 'Cause all the other kids are doing it. 

3. Hiding his new Fu Manchu.

4. In case he accidentally smiles. 

5. Hiding his true identity. (It's not Joe. It's that old guy in the Muppet's balcony.)

6. Forgot to take it off after shopping Piggly Wiggly.

7. It's lined with snuff. 

8. Excuse for mumbling. 

9. Jill made him. 

10. Enter your excuse here... 


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During a press briefing on Monday, Psaki was asked by Fox News’ Peter Doocy why the president, who has been fully vaccinated, decided to wear a mask for the climate summit.

“Because he is sending a message to the world that he is putting in place precautions and continuing to do that as leader of the United States,” Psaki responded.

She continued, “I don’t know what setups they all had in their countries. That may warrant some more reporting or not. But obviously, he had a pool there for portions. There were additional staff there, additional personnel. And that’s the sort of model that we try to keep ourselves to.”


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