Saturday, May 8, 2021 — What's a parent to do? 

In an effort to escape the far-left's grip on government schools, many parents are sending their children to high-cost private schools, only to discover the cultural Marxism virus has also infected private education. 

A case in point is a New York City parent who enrolled his daughter in a costly private school. The new school was no better than the government schools, it seems. The only difference was an added $43,000 tuition. 

At issue is the anti-White Critical Race Theory being forced on children who are entrusted to the schools. The kids are also being indoctrinated with gender confusion. 

Excerpted from ▼

“My friend has a kindergartner and her child came home and asked, ‘Mommy, am I bad because I’m white?’” he said, adding that the child attended the Upper East Side school.

“To me that is straight-up child abuse,” he said. “It’s like telling kids their skin color is bad.”

He added, “We need to let kids be kids.”

Harvey Goldman says his daughter being taught about George Floyd’s murder was a reason he pulled her out of the private school.

Take away ...

• It's not just schools. Virtually every domain that is dominated by the left is permeated with hate-filled "us-vs-them" cultural Marxism that vilifies those deemed to be the oppressive bourgeois and seeks to empower the oppressed proletariat. In the Western template, Whites and males comprise the oppressive bourgeois while non-Whites and females are convinced they are oppressed and need to be empowered to overcome their oppressors. 

The entertainment industry and, more recently, Madison Avenue are such domains. 

It's virtually impossible to even briefly encounter a commercial or telecast that is not attempting to program our mirror neurons with sounds and images that are implicitly endowed with cultural Marxism. 

Example: Within a five-minute span, I watched a television program last night in which an adult male character was portrayed as a porn addict while his female partner, presumed to be his wife, berated him for his lack of transparency in their relationship. The next scene portrayed the same woman listening to individuals who were apparently auditioning for a speaking role. All were dotes and all were males. Those on the receiving side of the television monitor saw the woman's repeated expressions of disgust as each speaker failed miserably. Our mirror neurons were inundated with a message of misandry: Men are porn-addicted fools who should be held in contempt.  

And that was in less than five minutes. Image the impact of exposing one's mind to such programming for hours on end through schools, television shows, commercials, print ads, workplace diversity classes, and so on.

And we wonder why marriages can't survive and why the fault line between races grows ever wider. 


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