Tuesday, May 18, 2021

DailyKenn.com — A teacher in Wisconsin was video recorded humiliating a student for not wearing a Covid mask, even though the victim had been vaccinated. 

The berating was captured via video recording. 

Take aways...

• Some people truly are woke supremacists. Arrogant and narcissistic, their agenda is driven by little more than their egomegaly. 

• Woke supremacists live a flat-earth, cult-like existence of science denial where reality is warped to fit their nonsense de jour. They believe in the existence of a gender spectrum, that plastic straws contribute significantly to climate change, that vaccines are essential, but masks must still be mandated, and that sex and race are mere illusions fostered on us by society. Then, they demand we comply with their damnable and delusional dogmas. 

• Seriously! These people would load us onto boxcars and tote us off to re-education camps to indoctrinate us until our brains were sapped of all contact with reality. Meanwhile, we must contend with government schools and their university "educated" hate-bots.

Excerpted from nypost.com ▼

“I don’t care if you’re vaccinated, you little dink!” the teacher in the Poynette school district tells the student in the video.

“I don’t want to get sick and die! There’s other people you can infect just because you’re vaccinated. You know what? You’re not a special person around here,” she continues as the student sits with his back against a wall.

“You should hear about how everyone talks about you around here. You’re a jerk! You’re a jerk and you need to have respect for other people in your life. You’re not a big man on campus — quit walking around here like you have a stick up your butt,” the unidentified woman adds.



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