
DailyKenn.com — This appears to be systemic racism in its truest form. 

The advent of anti-white racism framed as 'equity' has permeated our nation's education systems, most of our business infrastructure, and is now saturating America's health care system. 

It also appears that medical professionals will be vetted by race rather than merit. A highly skilled and qualified brain surgeon, for example, may be bumped in favor of a less qualified and less white replacement. The outcome will be a stark devaluation in health care that will affect all Americans. 

Take away...

• Equity should be considered a healthcare crisis. It is a core doctrine of the cultural Marxism cult. It is more dangerous to our health than the absurdities once held by Christian Scientists or Jehovah's Witnesses who opposed blood transfusions based on their misguided faith. The difference is: The cultural Marxism cult imposes its sacred science on all of us, whereas other cults reserve their nonsense for cult members. 

This is just the latest symptom of the disease that has quietly infected the AMA. The organization that once (unsuccessfully) opposed Medicare [Reflections on the enactment of Medicare and Medicaid, by Wilbur J. Cohen, Health Care Financ Rev., December 1985] is no more. On every major political issue, the American Medical Association is at one with the Democrat Party, even signing on to Obamacare[AMA letter to Congressional leaders on reform of health care system, January 3, 2017].

The familiar, weary litany—gun control, Open Borders, racism as a “threat to public health,” equity and social justice in medicine—is now the mission of the largest medical lobby in the country.

Diversity? Oh, yes! The AMA is “committed to a diverse physician workforce” and has been promoting racial preferences in admissions for years. As the AMA claimed in an amicus brief in Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin, a 2016 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that further upheld this practice: continue reading...

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04 Jun 2021