
DailyKenn.com — In an apparent effort to redistribute wealth — and crime — White House occupant Joe Biden is effectively blackmailing cities, forcing them to build government housing projects in single-housing neighborhoods. 

Take aways...

• Most anything the far-left doesn't like, it slaps the "racist" label on it.

Single-family housing is one example. 

According to an article at charlotteobserver.com:

But as you ponder “neighborhood character,” it’s worth knowing that single-family zoning arose a century ago in a clearly racist context.

In The Color of Law, author Richard Rothstein tells how early zoning ordinances specifically banned blacks from certain zones. The Supreme Court outlawed that in 1917, but in many cities, Rothstein writes, “To prevent lower-income African Americans from living in neighborhoods where middle-class whites resided, local and federal officials began … to promote zoning ordinances to reserve middle-class neighborhoods for single-family homes that lower-income families of all races could not afford.”

Read more here: https://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/article230767824.html#storylink=cpy

Excerpted from washingtonexaminer.com ▼

As part of his $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan, the Biden administration is pushing local governments to allow apartment buildings in neighborhoods that are restricted to single-family homes. The administration claims it's a way to ease a national affordable housing shortage and combat racial injustice in the housing market.

Current zoning laws that favor single-family homes, known as exclusionary zoning, have disproportionately hurt low-income people who can't afford to move to the suburbs, the administration said. Their only choice is living in crowded apartment buildings. Biden's proposal would incentivize local governments to get rid of exclusionary zoning by awarding grants and tax credits to cities that change their zoning regulations.

While the proposal has had some bipartisan support on Capitol Hill, not everyone is on board.

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03 Jun 2021