
DailyKenn.com — Having cleansed the campus of offensive monuments and place names, leftists at the University of Wisconsin have little left to purge. There seems to be nothing remaining but a 70-ton boulder that's been spewing racial hatred for an estimated two billion years. In a collective voice of virtue signaling, school officials agreed with a student group that the rock must go. And so it was hoisted away to a new location where it will offend fewer people. 

No, it's not a joke. 

Named for Thomas Chamberlin, the Chamberlin Rock was once dubbed a derisive name that is so offensive that we dare not utter it aloud. No. It was not 'Jehovah.'

Take aways...

• Imagine a culture so void of racism that far-left agitators must invent offenses, such as accusing a 70-ton boulder of racism. 

• If the far-left truly wants to purge the university of fake racist remnants, perhaps they should consider razing the school's Western-style buildings and replacing them with culturally inclusive structures such as African mud huts, Indian tepees, and Eskimo igloos. 

• Be mindful that the current "war" is not being fought with weapons and ordnances, but seems to be a protracted battle fought with tools designed to tamper with our minds. It appears Marxism has convinced us that racism is the ultimate evil. Marxists can demonize most anything — even an inanimate monument or a benign bolder — simply by creating a mental association with the thing and racism. If they can vilify a gray rock, what else can they vilify? Again, most anything. 

[UW moves 70-ton Chamberlin Rock off campus after student backlash, By Nick Viviani, nbc15.com, August 6, 2021]