Sunday, January 23, 2022 — Socially engineering — including Great Society programs such as the War on Poverty — provided nothing more than "the optics of equality."

That's the conclusion of a group of activists who are approaching racial economic inequality by sitting on a roof for 100 days. They are in day 61, last we checked.

• Takeaway...

Hint. You can't fix stupid. Literally.

IQ deniers insist on attributing the inequality of races to social injustice. When reality doesn't jive with one's beliefs — in this case Marxism — the outcome is cognitive dissonance. One must side with reality and discard beliefs, or discard reality in favor of beliefs. Social justice warriors have sided with the latter.

In reality...

In the aggregate, racial distinctives are more than skin color. East Asians tend to be more intelligent than Whites. That explains why East Asians in the USA have a higher annual household income than Whites. But Whites seem to be genetically endowed with a knack for innovation. East Asians are quite adept at reverse engineering White innovations.  

Question: Besides skin color, what other biological features are racial distinctives?

Answer: Facial features, including shape of the nose and eyes, hair texture and color, eye color, and so on. And that's the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

A study of cadavers of young males revealed that:

The psoas minor muscle (PMI) was absent in 91% of the black subjects, but only in 13% of the white subjects. These data show that the [psoas major muscle] is markedly larger in black than white subjects. The marked race-specific difference in the size of the PMA may have implications for hip flexor strength, spine function and race-specific incidence in low back pathology, and warrants further investigation. [source]

Or, in short, white men can't jump higher or run faster than black males, in the aggregate, because males of African descent tend to have a biological advantage.

PSA for those who still believe that race is only skin deep: The psoas minor muscle and the psoas major muscle are under the skin.

If biological race distinctions are observable throughout the body, why would we think that the brain would be exempt from racial distinctives?

Short answer: It's not.

It's observable that sub-Saharan Africans have an average IQ of about 70; the threshold for mental retardation. In the USA, where blacks tend to possess European ancestry, the average IQ is about 85.

The economic effect of intelligence can be observed in both nations and neighborhoods. Compare Haiti, for example, with Iceland. Compare black American neighborhoods with White American neighborhoods. What you see is what you're looking for. If you're looking for social injustice, that's what you see. If you're looking for the effects of intelligence, that's what you will see.

What do you see?

I see Black people sitting on a roof thinking that will affect the economic disparity between Blacks and Whites.

I don't see White people sitting on a roof thinking that will affect the economic disparity between Whites and East Asians.


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