
DailyKenn.com —  40-year-old Evan Purcell was brutally attacked by a group of teens while walking his service dog near an elementary school. 

The incident occurred in Holmes Beach, Fla. 

Purcell reportedly spotted the unruly teens breaking bottles outside the school cafeteria. When he shouted at them, they became aggressive and attacked him. 

Even though Americans have been exposed to urban savagery since 1619, some fail to understand it's intensity. Not until they are exposed to it directly are the naïve among us able to grasp an accurate point of reference. 

Reports say the victim was accompanied by his ten-year-old niece. The two had plans to get ice cream after their walk. 

Takeaway ...

• Do you have a problem with urban savages in your neighborhood? 

• If not, why not? 

• If not, what needs to change in your area to make it more diverse and inclusive? 



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28 Mar 2022