Moments before the shooting last night @NBCPhiladelphia @6abc. Hundreds of kids running on cars dancing on cars. The restaurants had to move their patrons inside. We were locked inside for quite some time due to all the fights around us… 2/2
— Geoff Ford (@Geoffrey_Ford14) June 5, 2022
Moments before the shooting last night @NBCPhiladelphia @6abc. Hundreds of kids running on cars dancing on cars. The restaurants had to move their patrons inside. We were locked inside for quite some time due to all the fights around us… 1/2
— Geoff Ford (@Geoffrey_Ford14) June 5, 2022
Here’s more footage of the “hundreds of people enjoying south street as they do every weekend” per @NBCPhiladelphia
— Geoff Ford (@Geoffrey_Ford14) June 5, 2022 — While the mainstream media downplays the savagery displayed by hundreds in Philadelphia last week, citizens captured reality with their cell phone cameras.
When I attended a majority-Black high school over 50 years ago, such savagery was on display most every day. Urban savagery crosses time and geography. Pretending it doesn't exist won't make it go away.
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