
DailyKenn.com — WWJ-AM radio anchor Jim Matthews, 57, was killed by blunt force trauma in Chesterfield Township, MI. 

Matthews’ girlfriend and his two children were hospitalized after the incident. 

Arrested was Arthur Levan Williamson who was 54 at the time of the incident. 

It is another case of recidivism, the tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend. 

Lawandcrime.com reported, "According to state prison records, Williamson had been sentenced for breaking an entering and assaulting a police officer in connection with a March 3, 2013 offense in Clinton County, Michigan. Prior to that, he was convicted of assault with the intent to commit murder, kidnapping, and several weapons offenses involving an April 14, 2002 offense in St. Clair County, Michigan. Before that, he was sentenced on several drug offenses involving a May 19, 1993 case in Macomb County."

The report also said, "According to Michigan Department of Corrections records, Williamson was on probation until June 5, 2023. He had been placed on supervision four years earlier on June 5, 2019. One of the many conditions of supervision was that Williamson would not violate any criminal law."

• Jim Matthews

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Arthur Levan Williamson

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[Michigan Man on Supervised Release Charged with Murdering Detroit Radio News Anchor and Attacking the Victim’s Girlfriend and Children, By Aaron Keller, lawandcrime.com, Sept. 27, 2022]



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