
How the minds of savages work

DailyKenn.com —

• Neurologists tell us that the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) area of the brain plays a primary role in one's behavior; particularly inhibition and the ability to reason. 

The dlPFC is considered the last part of the human brain to develop by nature. We can conclude that this part of the brain would be underdeveloped and dysfunctional in the last humans to develop, slow to develop, or whose development has been stunted.

• When co-morbid with low intelligence, the lack of inhibition can cause some to behave as sub-humans. 

• Sociopaths can be compared to rabid dogs who cannot control their behavior and lack empathy. By contrast, psychopaths can be compared to trained attack dogs who are in control of their behavior but also lack empathy.

Consequently, we can compare urban savages to rabid predators who can neither control their behavior nor display empathy for their victims. Empathy retardation may be due to an under developed ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC).

• On the other hand, people groups with well-developed prefrontal cortex may be excessively empathetic and willing to overlook the behavior of those who seem to be sub-human.

The contrast between people groups — one group lacking empathy and the other being excessively empathetic — provides an ideal opportunity for Marxism to impose class struggle where it otherwise would not exist. People groups with low empathy and intelligence are convinced their lot in life is the outcome of oppression by the people group that excels in empathy and intelligence. The superior people group are convinced they are inherently flawed and that flaw is oppressing people groups causing them to lag behind economically. This hypothesis is sometimes encapsulated as 'critical race theory'.

It's classic gaslighting.

The superior group believes it is smitten with the mental health abnormality labeled "racism" or "privilege". This group seeks to atone for perceived social injustice when, in reality, the cause of "class" variation is not exogenous but endogenous. In reality, group differences are biological, not sociological. Efforts to address inequality by endlessly tweaking perceived social injustices is akin to blood letting.



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04 Sep 2022