Special needs student savagely beaten in Memphis
DailyKenn.com — A special needs student was savagely beaten and kicked during an group attack near a Memphis high school.
The victim was White. The attackers appear to be Black.
When I attended a Black majority high school over 50 years ago, such attacks were common. Nothing seems to have changed. [source]
Jim Crow and school segregation
In an effort to contain Black-on-White violence, some states instituted racial segregation laws. Blacks and Whites attended separate schools and, in some areas, schools were dismissed at different times allowing White students to safely walk home without encountering groups of violent Blacks.
Oregon had the most stringent segregation laws that prohibited Blacks from the entire area. Called 'lash laws,' violators faced the punishment of being beaten with a whip. To our knowledge, there is no record of any Blacks being punished under the laws. [See Oregon Black exclusion laws.]
Across generations and geography
Black mob attacks have persisted for generations. Even Abraham Lincoln, at the age of 19, was with a friend when set upon by a black mob. Lincoln, who excelled in boxing, managed to escape with the friend. That attack occurred in 1828 when Lincoln was 19 years old.
Black mob attacks also transcend geography. They occur throughout the USA and abroad, suggesting the behavior is inherent.
• Tessa Majors was 19 when she died after being attacked by a mob of Black teens in New York City in 2019. Luchiano Lewis and Rashaun Weaver, both aged 14, were charged with murder. A 13-year-old was also charged with murder and was sentenced to 18 months of detention after pleading guilty to robbery in the first degree. Majors was stabbed multiple times in the chest, with one stab wound piercing her heart. [source]
• Jason "Jaybird" Todd Grider, age 48, was fatally shot after an "altercation" with four black males in Greenwood, Ind., a traditionally White community.
The incident occurred in July, 2022. [more]
• 73-year-old James Lambert was beaten to death with a traffic cone after encountering a group of Black youths. Lambert was also Black. The incident occurred in Philadelphia in June, 2022. [source]
• A Chicago city bus driver was attacked by a mob in 2021. 21 arrests were made. [source] The video below reveals the attackers were Black youths.
On Saturday night, a mob of youths in Chicago beat a public bus driver. The 49-year-old CTA driver was inspecting the bus when he was attacked by the mob. He was hospitalized for his injuries. Attack follows another beating of CTA employee earlier in week.pic.twitter.com/NpMTGUjTZ0
— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) December 5, 2021
• 59-year-old John Marvin Weed died after being punched by a Black teen at a fair in Maryland in 2019. Two brothers were convicted. The 15-year-old brother was sentenced to a behavior modification program. The 16-year-old was sentenced to probation and anger management. [source]
John Marvin Weed, 59, was killed by two African-American teenage brothers on Sept 20, 2019 at a fair in Frederick, Maryland after declining to give them $1.
— Chris Menahan 🇺🇸 (@infolibnews) May 7, 2020
No Justice For John Weed: Teen Killers Tried As Juveniles After Judge Bars Media From Her Court https://t.co/HiwMe3zGDH
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