Sunday, October 30, 2022 — 52-year-old Stacy Boudreaux was found shot to death in her home four days after two "gentlemen" exchanged gunfire nearby. 

Authorities are searching for 50-year-old Romallic Dynell Nash Sr. He faces one count of Second-Degree Murder. 

Nash was described as about 5'9", 230 pounds, with black hair, and brown eyes. No mention was made of hair texture or skin tone of Nash or Boudreaux. Photos, however, reveal that Nash has dark skin and kinky hair suggesting African ancestry while Boudreaux's hair is brown and straight and her skin was a white-ivory tone suggesting European ancestry.

The incident occurred in Gibson, LA. 

According to our news source:

The Sheriff's Office says this particular area is known for high crime. The neighbor said, "When we're home we're inside, we don't come outside. The only time I come outside is to get in my car, to drop my kids off at school, and to go to work and that's it."

She's now considering moving, "Sometimes my kids they play outside and I stay in the house, I don't want to, I guess punish them for being outside, I don't want them to get hit by a stray bullet."

Apparently, staying inside is no safer than being outside.

We sometimes wonder: Why to Black people choose to live in violent, high-crime neighborhoods?


• Stacy Boudreaux

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Romallic Dynell Nash Sr.

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[TPSO: Man wanted after stray bullet kills 52-year-old, By Eleanor Tabone,, Oct. 28, 2022]


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