

DailyKenn.com — Diversity causes stress which can lead to hypertension, mental illness and a host of other maladies if we are to believe assertions made by a California college. 

Titled "Coping with Racism & Discrimination" students of color are encouraged to empower themselves by noting and reporting "subtle forms, such as stereotyping, assumptions, or exclusion."

The treatment for race-related stress is to evoke Stasi-style snitching. The outcome, we are told, is a sense of empowerment.  

However, a permanent cure for race-related stress would be to end diversity. 

White students are apparently superior in that they are immune to race-related stress. That should be reported as a subtle form of white supremacy. 

Fox News report ►

Link to Coping with Racism & Discrimination

Below are video examples of race-based stress as it actually happens:

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