
DailyKenn.com — An elementary school in Washington state has created a "safe space" for non-white students [source]. 

That implies that school officials are teaching children that white people — including classmates — are dangerous.

While freedom of association, aka, "segregation," should be legal, it should also be a matter of choice. We doubt the children nor parents of Centennial Elementary in Olympia, Washington were consulted prior to the decision to create the "Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Mentor Group" for the school's fifth graders.

The decision to segregate white kids mirrors the "us-vs-them" mindset of the Marxist left. Marxism divides us between bourgeois (oppressors) and proletariat (oppressed). That is, the children are being taught that whites are the oppressive bourgeois class and non-whites are the oppressed proletariat.

Those of us who attended black-majority schools understand that white students require protection for impulsive black violence.

The BIPOC (“black, Indigenous and people of color”) could be considered a government sponsored hate group. Certainly, if such a group were to exclude BIPOC students (white only), it would be roundly condemned racist.  

Summation: The radical left's advocacy for inclusion and diversity is blatant hypocrisy.

[ Image source]



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