
DailyKenn.com — Catholicism has gone the way of the Confederate flag. Once revered by some and respected by all, both are now roundly condemned by the woke left as remnants of a racist and intolerant past that must be obliterated.

American terrorist?

When John Kennedy was president, traditional Catholicism was viewed as a mainstream though mildly quirky religion by those of us labeled "Protestants." 


Nuns were a common sight, floating about in their black habits. Priests were instantly recognizable by their clerical collars.

Latin was part of Catholic liturgy. Most  boys I played with in my neighborhood attended the nearby parochial school. My Catholic aunt kept small holy water fonts on the doorposts of every room in the home and they would never, ever begin a meal without a prayer followed by tapping the chest in the form of a cross. Fish was for Fridays when other meats were banned. That tradition was so permeating that Friday lunch offerings in government schools were something akin to fish fries.

But, somehow, the traditional Catholicism of habits and holy water is considered as despicable as Bo and Luke Duke's 1969 Dodge Charger.

How bad is it?

According to journalists Brianna Herlihy and Kelly Laco, "a leaked internal FBI memo revealed that the agency had efforts underway to identify and treat Catholics as 'potential terrorists.'"  

"Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares and 19 GOP state attorneys general are demanding answers from the FBI and Justice Department," they wrote at foxnews.com, "and threatening legal action..."

Hutton and Mel Gibson

So, apparently, the Catholicism revered by Mel Gibson and his late father Hutton Peter Gibson (1968 Jeopardy! grand champion; Google it) is now to be regarded as a terrorist hate group.

The AGs, "identifies 'radical-traditionalist Catholic[s]’ as potential ‘racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists,’" the journalists reported. 

Granted, there are some loose ends such as Catholic nationalism as embraced by Nick Fuentes. But, more likely, the woke left is focused on mainstream conservative Catholics (with Irish names) including Pat Buchanan, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and (possibly) Megyn Kelly.

It appears the woke iteration of Marxism has become an emerging national religion that is hell bent on upending traditional Western culture.



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