DailyKenn.com — 16-year-old Ralph Yarl survived a gun blast when he made a late-night visit to a Kansas City, MO home.
Roused from his bed, Andrew Lester, 84, pulled the trigger, police say.
Given the violence that permeates his neighborhood, it is understandable that the elderly man would be a bit edgy.
But Yarl is black and Lester is white. That seems to constitute a "racial component," we suppose. It justified front-page attention while the normal, everyday slaughter of black youths goes largely unnoticed. (See photos at gunmemorial.org for documentation.)
Yarl went to the hospital and Lester went to jail.
The teen was presented as a stellar student and an all-around nice kid. Lester was presented as an old white man.
Ostensibly, Yarl was in the neighborhood to pick up a brother from a friend's house. Without the aid of a cell phone and, we suppose, a GPS, he reportedly made a wrong turn and approached the wrong house.
For those of us who lived prior to the advent of cellular devices and satellites, we understood the value of jotting down an address ... or at least remember it. That doesn't make Yarl a liar by any means. But it causes one to question his credentials as a bright student.
The bottom line is: An old white man shot a black boy. That's fodder for the far-left media that grasps at every straw to make the case for white racism where none exists.
We wish Ralph well and Mr. Lester a fair trial.
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