
DailyKenn.com — Black American soldiers rioted in Lancashire, England in 1943. Some historians claim it was the only incident that American troops fought each other during the Second World War. 

It wasn't. 

Black American soldiers also fired on American military personnel in Townsville, Australia, during World War II. 

According to wikipedia.com:

"About 600 [black] troops from the 96th Battalion, US Army Corps of Engineers, were stationed at a base outside of Townsville called Kelso Field. They were a labour battalion and their main job was to build bridges and barracks. On 22 May 1942, aiming to kill their commander, Captain Francis Williams of Columbus, Georgia, the black troopers began firing machine guns at the tents of white officers, resulting in an eight-hour siege. At least one person was killed and dozens severely injured, and Australian Army soldiers were called in to roadblock the rioters."

The riot in England occurred June 24 and 25, 1943 after American military police were called to the Ye Olde Hob Inn where black soldiers were causing a disturbance. Black soldiers resisted and shots were fired. A black GI was killed.

As rumors of the incident spread, black soldiers armed themselves. Later that night a large group of black soldiers left the base in pursuit of the MPs. Military police set up a blockade where shots were fired. A battle ensued between black American soldiers and the MPs resulting in the shooting of an officer, three black soldiers, and one MP. Two other MPs were beaten.

Two days earlier, on June 20, blacks began rioting in Detroit, Michigan. That uprising lasted through June 23. Some speculate the Lancashire battle was inspired by the Detroit riots. 

32 black American soldiers were court-martialed.    

Some apologists blame black violence on white prejudice. Others blame white prejudice on black violence. 

There's more.

According to wikipedia.com, in 1972:

"Groups of between five and twenty-five black sailors continued to roam Kitty Hawk, attacking whites at random throughout the night. Sleeping sailors were pulled from their racks and beaten with fists, chains, wrenches and broom handles, with many also shouting epithets such as, 'Kill the white trash!'"



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