
DailyKenn.com — Corporal Shawn Kelly who served with the Denham Springs Police Department in Louisiana died 22 days after being shot. 

The suspect, Justin Roberts, 30, died from a gunshot wound delivered by another officer at the shooting. 

Police were called to a strip mall where a couple were reportedly arguing. Circumstances prompted police to swarm the area. Roberts began shooting when police arrived and they returned fire.

Kelly was shot multiple times. Roberts was shot when he approached an officer with a gun.

The left-leaning news media is rife with allegations of unwarranted police violence when black suspects are killed. However, when white officers are killed by black suspects, the media nearly always fails to mention race.

• Corporal Shawn Kelly, age 53

Img link:
alt: https://www.odmp.org/media/image/officer/26734/orig/corporal-shawn-kelly.jpg

Img source:
alt: https://www.odmp.org/officer/26734-corporal-shawn-kevin-kelly

Justin Roberts, 30.

Img link:

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[Denham Springs officer critically injured in shooting; suspect dead, By Lester Duhé, wafb.com, May. 11, 2023]

[Denham Springs officer shot in violent shootout at shopping center, By WWL Staff, wwltv.com, May 14, 2023]






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