DailyKenn.com —
1. Stay in your lane
Let the narcissists make mistakes
To notes, make records; control this thing
2. Impulse control
Don't lash out, don't lash in
3. Keep your cool
can't rise above circumstances
4. Respond rather than react
count to ten
5. Self reflect
Get centered: How did you get in this position
plan of action
6. Upper perspective
Imagine you are the spectator watching yourself
Get the big picture
7. Smirk if off
Not denial and not shrug it off
8. Reason not emotions
Access the power of reason
Study narcissism and understand what makes them click
9. Accept yourself; others; reality
You can't control
To narcissists; no excuse but accept
10. Be empathetic9
To other victims
To the narcissist (understand)
11. Know your boundaries
and let others know what you will not tolerate
bullies are omnipresence
12. Offer forgiveness
There is no forgiveness until it is accepted
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