
DailyKenn.com — 35-year-old James Reha was one of five people shot at a Tacoma, WA nightspot.

Charged with aggravated murder and first-degree murder was Alante Peterson.

Monic Lashaye Swan was also killed. The other three victims were hospitalized.

The media presented the tragedy with a dismissive tone, calling it an "argument" over a "hairline." Peterson was portrayed as a hero protecting a group of women from a man who seemed to be flirting with them.

However, court documents reveal that witnesses said that "Peterson, who goes by the street name 'Dangerous,' began turning in a circle while firing the gun and started randomly shooting at people" according to dailymail.co.uk.

Reha was white. Swan appears to have been bi-racial.

• James Reha

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Monic Lashaye Swan

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Alante Peterson

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[Gangster whose street name is 'Dangerous' murdered two people in shootout at Tacoma bar called The Alleycat after argument erupted over drinker's HAIRLINE, cops say, By Ishita Srivastava, dailymail.com, Nov. 8, 2023]


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