


DailyKenn.com — [transcript]

You got to have a toy section that is gender-neutral. If your store has 500 or more employees and if your store happens to be in the state of California, I know what you're thinking. People are getting fed up with this garbage and what they're going to do is they're just going to pack up and leave California.

Well, a lot of them already have. But the government in California, and the elected officials in California don't seem to mind. In fact, it's like they're trying to encourage that and I think they probably are, and for good reason.

The good reason is that most of the people who are packing up and leaving California tend to be Republicans and the people who run California are Democrats and to seal their position of power, they want to kick out as many Republicans as they possibly can through the intimidation process. Kind of like this. So we have this law that is set to go into effect on January 1, 2024.

Depending on when you watch this video, it's probably already gone into effect. And the law, again, basically says that if you have a store with 500 employees, then you have to have a gender-neutral toy section or anything that has anything to do with children. Basically, you have to have at least part of it to be gender-neutral.

I just have this idea come to mind. I wonder what would happen if they let free markets decide? Well, what would happen is Republicans would quit leaving the state and that's not what they want. So I think what we're going to see is more of this in the future.

More of what? More Democrats trying to come up with these weird notions that would so frustrate sane, rational people, that is people who don't vote for Democrats, to leave the state. It's kind of a bullying tactic and what they want to do is they want to replace them with people who are favorable of Democrats. Primarily, what do you want to call these people? We can't call them illegitimate because YouTube doesn't like that term.

Let's call them uninvited guests. So the state of California will be populated with uninvited guests because they tend to vote for Democrats because Democrats tend to give them handouts. But here's the problem.

Eventually, the state of California is going to run out of money because the people who create wealth in California tend to be Republicans. There are some noted examples or exceptions, but they tend to be
Republicans. So if you're going to run out, all the Republicans are going to run out a good many of the people who are generating wealth.

And if you kick out the wealth or a large portion of it, then all those social programs, excuse me, socialist programs are destined to fail. But in the meantime, the Democrats will continue to hold the reins of power and they will see to it that sane, intelligent, thinking, rational people who care about their families are going to move to Texas or somewhere else.

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