Wednesday, January 3, 2024 — There are two key components to thought reform in the sentence that I am about to read you, and I wonder if you can pick these out. Are you ready? This comes from the Methodist Church in the United Kingdom. 

Quote, "As Christians, we need to have the courage for conversations that can sometimes be difficult to recognize that we sometimes exclude people, to listen with humility, to repent of any hurtful language or imagery, and to take care of how we listen and what we say, write, or depict in the Spirit of Christ."

End of quote. Okay. The fact of the matter is, it's a very long sentence. It's very poorly written, but that's got nothing to do with what we're talking about. What we're talking about is the fact that there are thought reform, brainwashing techniques, components in that sentence. Did you pick them out? Well, actually there's more than two, but there's two primary that I saw.

The first one is language loading, or in this case, it would be language unloading. We learned this from Robert J. Lifton, who is a noted psychologist who specializes in thought reform.

He studied the thought reform brainwashing techniques of the communist Chinese, and he understood that cults would interject certain words in their language and take words out that didn't support their ideology. But there's something else he taught.

But there's something else he said, and that is that he talked about something he called confession. And in confession, he discovered that what the Chinese would do is they would torture people, and they would do that until they confessed.

Some people would confess just so they'd quit torturing them, right? But then they'd go back and torture them again and make them confess even more. And they would do this over and over and over again.

And according to Lifton, they would do this sometimes as long as three years. He discovered that eventually these people who were forced to confess would come to agree with the communist that they were actually guilty of these things they didn't do but confessed to doing them. So if you confess to something over and over and over again, you will come to believe that you actually did it.

Is that in the sentence? Yes, it is. It says to repent of any hurtful language. So if you confess or repent of using hurtful language, you will come to believe eventually sometimes right off the bat that you were using hurtful language.

So the objective here is to recognize when the woke left tells you to confess or to repent of something. This is a church. The ecclesiastical term used is repent. That is to apologize or to confess of past sins. 

Now we see that, for example when white people who are confessing of the sin of slavery. It's a thought reform technique. Did you recognize that? 

At a school in Australia little boys were forced to apologize to the little girls.

They had a school meeting, and they had all the little boys turn around to the little girls and apologize for "behaviour of their gender". That was a thought reform technique. They were brainwashing the little boys into believing they were somehow guilty of whatever males are guilty of in the demented mindset of Neo-Marxism.

The is in a guide from the Methodist church again in the United Kingdom that is called the Inclusive Church Language Guide.

Okay, they need to repent of that because they're calling this inclusive, but they're excluding certain words.

Well, what were the words? The words were "husband and wife." Those offend some people.

Now, they're not too concerned about individuals who don't have a mate. They're concerned about individuals who do have a mate, say both of them are husbands and both of them are wives. Okay, it seems to me what they're doing here is they're not so concerned about offending people as they are about advancing a particular agenda.

Franklin Graham enters the scene and he makes this observation. Franklin Graham, by the way, is the son of the late great Billy Graham evangelist. 

He said, "Shame on the Methodist church.

"These are biblical terms and marriage between a man and a woman is biblical truth. The word wife is used in some 360 verses in 38 books in the Bible."

Well, that to me just raises another question.

Why does the Methodist church in the United Kingdom consider itself Christian?


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