

DailyKenn.com —  Bill Maher, though not a philosopher I typically embrace, made a sensible point in a short monologue, crediting Western civilization for positive impacts on humanity. While I agree with much, there's a serious blunder. Maher rebukes liberals for not embracing liberal ideals, but the issue is that these individuals are not true liberals; they're Marxists mislabeling themselves. Liberals embrace liberty, but the term has been co-opted by the far left.

Maher hints at their Marxist leanings by observing their class struggle approach. Marxists perpetuate a never-ending class struggle, inventing oppression where it's minimal. An example is how holding a door is seen as oppressive by Marxists, turning a positive action into a control mechanism. They tell women that holding the door is controlling the doorway to opportunity, creating a false narrative of oppression.

Young women are moving left while young men move right, indicating a targeted effort by the far left to focus on women as the future. The discussion extends to feminism, where the term has been taken and distorted. The ideology wants men and women to be the same, yet they call themselves feminists, not embracing femininity. The term is played down to "girly" to avoid the association with femininity.

Bill Maher's error lies in trying to correct liberals who are, in reality, Marxists masquerading as liberals or feminists. It's crucial to be alert when dealing with the far left, as they often aren't what they claim to be.


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25 Jan 2024