
DailyKenn.com — [transcript]

I've got a hypothetical question for you, and it is this. Is it reasonable for a person who has a $430 million net worth—okay, this is not imaginary, it's actually real, it's not hypothetical. But according to Forbes, she has a $430 million net worth.

Her house alone, her mansion, is worth $20 million, and sits on the ocean, like on a cliff overlooking the ocean, in Malibu, California. But is it reasonable for her to accept a $200,000 loan from the government to pay her employees? This is during the COVID crisis, quote, crisis, unquote. Well, the government, reports say, forgave the loan, so apparently, it was a gift.

What was the money used for? Well, according to news sources, the New York Post being one of them, this individual used the money to pay her gardener at her wonderful, beautiful, lavish—I'm trying to think of some other adjectives, but I've got to do—a mansion in Malibu. Free money from the government. Now, when we say free money from the government, understand what we really mean is free government from taxpayers.

I'm a taxpayer, you a taxpayer, okay, we loaned her this money, but the loan was forgiven, thank you federal government. I guess they just, didn't ask me if I wanted to loan it to her, they didn't ask me if I wanted to forgive the loan, they didn't ask me anything other than to vote for representatives from my state congressmen to represent me in Washington, and to vote for a couple senators. So that was my say in this whole thing, and your say was basically the same thing.

That was it. This person, in case you haven't guessed yet, is Barbara Streisand. Now you've got to admit, she is a very attractive woman.

Well, she's a very good singer, let's admit that. Okay, I think she's an amazing, accomplished, gifted, talented singer. I think she's also a very talented, gifted business person.

I was going to say businesswoman, but I'm trying to be politically correct here. A business person, according to the New York Post, nypost.com, she has a mall, a replica antique shopping mall, in her Clifftop home. She's got a shop, I mean, how big is a house, you can have a shopping mall in it.

Okay, maybe it's a small shopping mall, but I'm guessing she doesn't let just anybody come into that mall. I'm not sure they even sell anything. Maybe it's like a mock-up or something.

But I'm just kind of guessing they don't have riots in the mall. You know, like some malls do. But according to the New York Post, the mall is in the basement of the eight-bedroom, 11-bathroom mansion.

One person living in a house that has eight bedrooms and 11 bathrooms. Why? If you live alone, maybe she doesn't, but if you live alone, do you really need more than one bathroom? Do you need more than one bedroom? No, I don't think so. I mean, there could be some circumstances, I can't think of any.

Oh, I thought of one. What if you were a leftist? You know, what are these people who advocate for allowing people to, uninvited, climb over the border wall and enter the United States? And then you want to give them sanctuary in your hometown, Malibu, California. Well then, maybe you could put those 11 bathrooms, or eight bedrooms, 11 bathrooms, to use.

Let them come in. And who knows? Maybe you won't have to pay the gardener. Because those people who are staying in your bathrooms and bedrooms, using the bathrooms, well, I don't know, maybe they do stay in the bathrooms.

They could do the yard work, right? I mean, she's got, I guess there are, according to this article, 3,000 rose bushes. Plus other stuff, you know? So okay, so you've got eight bedrooms, put 10 people in each bedroom, that's 80 people. So you divide 3,000 by 80, that's how many rose bushes they would take care of.

But she only has two gardeners. And she could get these people for free. Because, you know, she can afford to feed them, right? She can afford to pay for housing and all that.

But the story says the English-style garden and manicured lawns have featured extensively on her Instagram. They include a lovingly tended gravesite for Samantha. Who is Samantha? Oh, that is her beloved...
Okay, this word, or this name is in French.

I don't know what it means, but I think it means dog. Okay, so the dog died in 2017, and she had the dog cloned, according to this article, giving her two more dogs. That's assuming it's a dog, I don't even know what it is.

But she needs $200,000 of my money and your money to pay her two gardeners. She couldn't find... Why didn't she just... I guess they were working for her business. Kind of like some kind of executive support position, so that's how they got around that.

Made it a business thing. So could she not afford to loan her business the $200,000 to pay these guys? And I'm guessing the only reason they worked for her business in that executive support capacity was so she would get a tax break. Don't let leftists the woke fool you when they say, we need more and more taxes.

These people take tax breaks at every opportunity. Maybe there are some exceptions, I don't know of any, but they're plenty happy to send us the tax bill. And effectively, that is exactly what she has done.

All right, let's take a look at this article a little further. We'll dig down a little deeper. On April 7, 2020, four days after the Small Business Administration opened applications for loans on the program Barwood Films Ltd, the business was approved for $103,662, which it said was for six workers.

Six days later, Streisand tweeted her anger at the then-president, can't say his name on YouTube, but it starts with a T, for his handling of the COVID crisis. She was thinking that it would better be spent on testing ventilators and personal protective equipment for our health care professionals. Well, she is taking $200,000 out of the kitty.

Now, it said a hundred-some thousand, but apparently, she took two loans out. But I wonder if it's occurred to her or any of the woke among us that one of the reasons we have a COVID crisis problem is because of people coming in the country. Some of them legally, some of them just coming uninvited.

The next year, here it is, her film company received $103,127, saying it would protect six people on its payroll. Somewhere in here, I read two. Maybe, I was wrong.

I have been wrong in the past. But here it says six. But anyhow, if she has, what did we say, eight bedrooms, she could put 10 people in eight bedrooms.

That would be 80 people. And she could pay them out of pocket. Or at least she could loan her company.

I mean, these people are so hypocritical, in my opinion. Now, I don't, I've never met her, don't really care to meet her. I wouldn't mind hearing her sing before she dies.

I think she's like 81 years old now. So, you know, again, give her credit where credit is due. Almost all, I'm still reading the article here, PPP loans have been forgiven.

Almost all of them. But they call them loans, and then they forgive them. That's not a loan, that's a gift.

Eh, whatever, it's not their money, it's our money. Out of $793 billion issued, the SBA, Small Business Administration, has written off $762 billion. So that leaves $31 billion that I guess got paid back.

That's a tiny percentage. What do you think of this? Do you remember that being on the ballot? Voting on it? Now, if we were a true democracy, which we're a republic, I think, that's a form of democracy, there's a big argument, are we a democracy or a republic? We're a republic, which is a form of democracy. Totally different argument, if you disagree with me, leave a comment in the comment section below.

But, if we were a true democracy, seems to me we would be voting on each and every one of these decisions, instead of having these agencies, and bureaucracies, like the Small Business Administration, making those decisions for us. Why do we even have a Small Business Administration? If you're good at business, you don't need it. If you're not good at business, why are you in business, you know? We're going to prop people up because they're disadvantaged.

They can't do it on their own. Well, if you can't, then maybe, you know, again, you just shouldn't be in business. Alright, so, Barbra Streisand, again, mega, mega, mega, mega, not a mega, mega-millionaire, Trump, I just said the word, the T word is mega, I can't call it a millionaire because it gets mad, billionaire, he says he is at least.

So there's a difference. And as far as I know, and I could be wrong, but he didn't borrow any money from the government to pay for this, maybe he borrowed it from something else and got it handed to him. And if he did, let me know, and if he didn't, I would say that Barbra Streisand appears to be a hypocrite.

I'm careful to, you know, accuse people of things that I don't even know these people. All I know is what I read in the New York Post. If you got something out of this video, why not subscribe to our YouTube channel, we could use you, we're a brand new channel, and we're just now getting things rolling here, just barely getting things rolling, leave us a comment if you've got something to add, or want to start a conversation, or join a conversation, thumbs up, that comes in handy when you do that, sharing it on social media, it really helps.

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