Saturday, March 23, 2024 — 20-year-old Terry J. Young has been charged with murder and other offenses related to the shooting incident that occurred during the Kansas City Chiefs' Super Bowl parade on February 14. The shooting resulted in the death of 43-year-old Lisa Lopez-Galvan and injuries to 25 others outside Union Station in Kansas City.

Young faces charges including second-degree murder, unlawful use of a weapon, and two counts of armed criminal action. Surveillance footage showed Young allegedly firing several shots during a verbal altercation, and evidence from social media and cell phone data placed him at the scene of the shooting.

Prosecutors have requested a $1 million cash bond for Young, who is one of several individuals facing charges in connection to the incident. Dominic M. Miller and Lyndell Mays were previously charged with similar offenses. All involved shooters are now in custody, but additional charges are expected as the investigation continues.

Kansas City Police Chief Stacey Graves described the suspects' actions as reckless, emphasizing the need for swift and severe consequences. The shooting occurred just days after the Chiefs' Super Bowl victory.


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Sheffield is in the Midlands said...

The antiwhites only ever bring misery to White people.