
DailyKenn.com — Haiti has always been a failed state.

Think of a classroom full of kindergartners. Then, imagine that class left to its own devices

On Tuesday, Rep. Matt Gaetz took Biden administration officials to task during a hearing regarding plans for managing an anticipated surge of Haitian migrants to Florida amidst the turmoil gripping the Caribbean nation. Gaetz urged officials to assist the Coast Guard in intercepting and repatriating migrants to Haiti by utilizing Navy resources.

Meanwhile, the New York Post revealed that the Biden administration is reportedly preparing to escort ships carrying migrants to Florida rather than returning them to Haiti.

Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL) also made headlines on Tuesday by announcing his successful efforts in coordinating the rescue of Americans stranded in Haiti. He stated, "I am proud to report that my team and I were successful in evacuating and rescuing a trapped, and at risk group of Americans from 'Have Faith Orphanage' in Haiti last night…"

Further details emerged from New York Post reporter Jenny Taer, who obtained exclusive information on Border Patrol's preparations for the anticipated influx of Haitian migrants to Florida. An internal email leaked to the Post revealed that Border Patrol agents in Florida have been instructed to brace for a wave of migration from Haiti. The email suggested that repatriating Haitians entering Florida illegally might not be feasible due to the breakdown of the government in Haiti. Additionally, it warned that even one vessel of migrants could overwhelm Border Patrol resources.

Armstrong Williams shared a grim snapshot of conditions in Haiti, describing it as the "cruelest nightmare on Planet Earth," with gangs controlling a significant portion of the capital and dead bodies littering the streets. Williams also criticized the actions of the Clinton Foundation in Haiti, calling them "shameful" and deserving of no defense.

source: https://nypost.com/2024/03/12/us-news/florida-border-agents-on-high-alert-for-haitian-refugees/

source: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/biden-admin-preparing-escort-boatloads-haitians-florida-as/


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