
DailyKenn.com — 

• Lady Faulkner, the Equalities Chief in the UK, suggests integration is failing, pointing to in-group bias and ethnic divisions.

• She proposes adopting Germany's integration approach, including mandatory courses for new arrivals.

• Concerns are raised about segregated lives among children and the lack of understanding of democracy and rights.

• Examples from Guyana illustrate ethnic groups retaining their identities without interbreeding.

• The text questions the effectiveness of multiculturalism, suggesting it destabilizes Western nations intentionally.

• It raises speculative concerns about motives behind promoting multiculturalism, such as opposition to free markets or fear of Western dominance.

• The narrative suggests deliberate efforts to undermine Western culture and nations through multiculturalism.

• The author invites readers to share their opinions on the matter.


Integration in the United Kingdom is failing that according to the Equalities Chief, her name is Lady Faulkner. Her first name I think is Kishwar Faulkner and she is a first generation migrant from Pakistan. How did she get the title lady if she's not British? My guess is she probably married somebody who was a lord, which makes her a lady.

I don't know, I'm just guessing, but I've got news for her. She says integration is failing and she seems to be nonplussed over this. Unable to figure out how this could conceivably possibly happen because all good little Marxists understand you can just have a melting pot of any group of people and they just all come together.

But if you would bother to consult anyone who knows anything about social psychology and is honest, they will tell you there is this thing called in-group bias where we tend to be loyal to our group, whatever that group is. Now, have you noticed that men and women have different opinions, particularly when it comes to gender? That's because we tend to be more loyal to our group, in this case men loyal to men and women loyal to women. Let's expand on this.

If you were to take 100 people and you divide them into two groups, maybe 50 in this group or 50 in that group, or it could be 30, 70, however you want to divide it. Random people, randomly divided. Social psychology has found that they will be loyal to their group, even though the group means nothing.

It's just totally random. We are hardwired to be loyal to our group. Now, if that happens in a random setting, you know it's going to happen in a real setting where people are naturally separated by things like genetics.

We can't say race because Marxists don't believe in race, kind of like they think that men can have babies, they believe weird things, and they believe there is no such thing as race. You just throw everybody together and we all get along. Then what do they find out? They find out it doesn't work because, well, it turns out there is such a thing as ethnicity, there is such a thing as race, and we tend to divide ourselves.

She has a suggestion. She suggests that they take a cue from the Germans because you know how successful the German government has been in integration. Take a cue from the Germans and do what they do and have classes for these people they call refugees.

Some people call them invaders. That's kind of a pejorative term people use. Some people call them refugees.

They've got all kinds of names for them, but the fact of the matter is they are not indigenous people and they're not like the people of the country to where they are now residing, where they immigrated or whatever. If they're refugees, did they really immigrate? Well, the far left says they do and where they have and the woke left is right, always. Never question the woke left, even if they say men can have babies.

We're supposed to believe them. So these people are non-plus, these people being the woke left. According to the article that we found at the Telegraph, Lady Faulkner, first generation Muslim, migrant from Pakistan who chairs the Equality and Human Rights Commission, EHRC.

Do we have one of those in the United States? Department of Justice maybe? I don't know. Called for new arrivals to be, new arrivals to the UK to be required to take an integration course adopted, adopting rather an approach used in Germany. And yeah, it works very well in Germany.

That's why they have no problem whatsoever. She also raised concerns about children living segregated, parallel lives from school upwards, calling for better education on democracy and rights. These people are absolutely positively clueless.

They have no idea. Well, they're just out of touch with reality. I mean, you put people together and they're going to gravitate toward people like themselves.

We've seen that over and over and over again throughout, I don't know how many countless thousands of years of humans been on the planet. It's always been that way and it's not going to change because the Marxists, the woke leftists think it should. It doesn't work that way.

And an example comes to mind. If you go to the Guyanas, the countries in South America that are, you know, French Guyana, Guyana, Guyana, British Guyana, I don't know what they are, but there's three nations that collectively are the Guyanas. And about 3% of the population, and these countries are sparsely populated by the way, because they're mostly uninhabitable terrain.

But about 3% from what I've read of those countries are Amerindians, you know, American Indians. None of the populations of the Guyanas are Hispanic, none of them, even though they're in South America. But the Amerindians have retained their identity, which is the natural thing to do.

Okay, then there are the Indian Indians. So Indian Indians were brought to the Guyanas, not as slave labor, but as indentured servants. And there's a bunch of them.

And guess what? They have retained their identity. And then there are the Africans who were brought to Guyana during the colonial era. They were brought there as slaves.

And guess what? They have retained their identity. Every group in the Guyanas, every ethnic group has retained its identity. They did not interbreed, they did not mix.

There is no melting pot. It's kind of like putting oil in water. It doesn't mix.

And the same thing happens when you take non-British people, who are obviously different from the Britons, which again, the woke left denies because it doesn't fit their story. It doesn't fit their narrative, doesn't fit their ideology. And you bring them to Britain, and yeah, oil and water is not going to mix.

And they're going to have problems. And they do have problems. And they will now and forever have problems.

Okay. So let's tie all this together. And this is an opportunity for you to agree or disagree with me.

But my point is this, it seems to me that the people who are advocates of bringing non-British people, non-Europeans into the United Kingdom and Europe as a whole, understand that they are going to cause problems, that there will be a difficulty, a challenge in bringing these people and mixing them into the melting pot, which doesn't melt. It doesn't mix. And they know that.

They know there will be difficulties. They know there will be challenges. They know there will be infighting.

They know there will be destabilization. And it appears to me that they're doing that on purpose by design to destabilize Western nations. I don't know what they're afraid of.

But they want to take down Western nations. Is it because they are opposed to free markets, which Western nations tend to embrace and because of it they've enhanced the entire planet? Is it because they are intimidated by European people, scared to death they're going to do another Germany thing, you know, like World War II? Are they terrified of that? So they're going to try to destroy Western people and Western countries. Is that why they're doing it? I'm not saying that's why.

I'm just asking. So I would like to know your opinion. But that's how we tile this together.

Or that's how I tile this together. It seems to me it's by design. Who's designing it? I don't know.

Take your best guess. But I think this is a subtle way of destroying Western nations, Western culture. See you all next time.


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