
DailyKenn.com — Bradley K. Kortbawi, 44, was fatally shot in Norfolk, VA.

Police charged 56-year-old Vandes Jackson with second-degree murder and use of a firearm.

Kortbawi is noted for recently giving a stranded family $40.

He shared the story on Facebook, writing: "I've noticed this van and couple in the same spot for two straight days. I wasn't sure why the cop was approaching them, but what I witnessed restored my faith in humanity and reminded me that there are truly good people on the police force. Officer [Grant] Wylie directed the man to pull his van over to the gas pumps, then used his own credit card to fill up the van."

• Bradley K. Kortbawi

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Vandes Jackson

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[Kind-hearted officer who bought food for homeless young couple 'who had lost everything' and filled up their gas tank is praised on social media, By Evan Bleier, dailymail.co.uk, July 20, 2024]

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