
DailyKenn.com — Melissa Law died after being beaten in Albany, GA.

63-year-old Johnnie Jones is accused of beating the woman, raping her and leaving her to die 
under a tree in a field in Albany. The victim died after spending days on life support.

Law was allegedly discovered unconscious and barely alive by an off-duty officer.

“The one thing I am glad about is nobody can hurt her anymore,” said Jessica Cloud, Law’s sister, according to reports.

On Sunday, Cloud said a final goodbye to her sister, describing the experience as a nightmare she never imagined her family would endure.

“My mom and I walked downstairs. I leaned over and told my sister I loved her and that if it was time for her to go, she should go, and that I would take care of our mom. It was 8:52. We walked back upstairs at around 9:00, and by 9:05, she was gone,” Cloud recalled.

Investigators identified Jones as the suspect, and he was taken into custody on August 12, according to online records. Following Law’s death, he was charged with her murder, along with aggravated assault, aggravated sodomy, aggravated stalking, aggravated battery, and rape.

The victim and suspect apparently knew each other. 

While the family mourns the reality of Melissa's death, the rest of us await the next fictional white-guilt movie such as The Green Mile.

• Melissa Law

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Johnnie Jones

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[Man charged with murder of woman he allegedly beat, raped and left in field to die, By Ty Grant, Madison Foglio, Preslee Owen and Gray News staff, fox8live.com, Aug. 20, 2024]

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