
DailyKenn.com —Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has a new tax for Americans. He wants drivers to pay a mileage tax.

A similar tax — a fuel tax — already exists: The more gasoline you buy, the more tax you pay. 

Buttigieg suggested the a mileage tax as a means to pay for future infrastructure. 

Does that make sense? 

Not when you consider congress has a propensity for adding pork to legislation. The recent coronavirus relief bill, for example, spent for more on unrelated spending — primarily in blue states — than on Americans. Expect the same with a new mileage tax. 

• The tax is worse than the fuel tax in that it would require the government to monitor your travel with a meter. Imagine having a government owned GPS tracker on every vehicle. 

The next step: A GPS tracker embedded on every human?

We can also expect the Democrats to dole out SNAP-like cards for the proletariat that would allow them to obtain fuel at no cost and tax free. The rest of us — the bourgeois — will pick up the tab through higher fuel and usage taxes. 

• A road usage tax will likely be sold as a hedge against man-made climate change in that it will reduce consumption. Lower consumption will result from less motoring which will result in less taxes paid. That's a bit nonsensical, but if leftists were logical they would not be leftists. The tax will also be presented as a hedge against racism, a pirouette that justifies most anything. 

Excerpted from wlbt.com ▼

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg says that a mileage tax in order to pay for future infrastructure bills shows “a lot of promise.”

He made the comment Friday during an interview with CNBC.

This after President Joe Biden announced plans for a 3-trillion-dollar infrastructure overhaul, a cornerstone of his “Build Back Better” initiative. The money would go towards developing roads, hospitals and green energy systems across the country.

When asked if a mileage-based-tax could be used to help pay for this initiative, Buttigieg suggested that it’s not off the table.


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