
DailyKenn.com — Boy's attending a school in Australia were forced to stand en masse and apologize to their female classmate for sexism, a report says. The boys were as young as seven.

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Parents of children at Brauer College in Warrnambool were nonplussed, and for good cause. 

Confession is a powerful thought reformed tool. In fact, famed psychologist Robert Jay Lifton included confession among the eight components of thought reform. After researching brainwashing techniques used by communist in China in the 1950s, Lifton discovered that those forced to repeatedly confess an offense eventually came to believe their own confessions, even when those confessions were without merit. 

By forcing boys to repeatedly confess to sexism over a period of years, the victims will begin to believe their own groundless confessions. 

It is for this reason, apparently, that cultural Marxism emphasizes confession. Confession comes in various forms such as apologizing for slavery, checking white privilege, and apologizing for sexism. Eventually we will come to believe our confessions. We will actually believe that we are to blame for slavery, that we are somehow unfairly privileged, and that we are guilty of sexism. 

Excerpted from news.com.au ▼ 

Male students at Brauer College in Warrnambool were purportedly told to apologise to the girls for offensive behaviour on behalf of their gender on Wednesday.

Danielle Shephard told 7NEWS that her 12-year-old son, who is in Year 7 at the school, was left feeling confused following the exercise.

“He said that he was made to stand up and basically apologise... it wasn’t explained properly to the male students what they were doing or why they were doing it,” she said, as seen in the video above.

The state government on Sunday made consent education mandatory for students in state schools over concerns the issue wasn’t always being addressed head-on.

28 Mar 2021