
DailyKenn.com — The notion that America would some day cease to be a Christian nation to become a homosexual nation would have evoked guffaws in the 1950s. 

But, nearly 70 years later, that seems to be our state of affairs.

White House occupant Joe Biden has authorized rainbow flags to be hoisted along with American flags around the world. 

Take aways ...

We can only assume that the hoisting of the rainbow flag with the American flag is a declaration that American is a homosexual nation. 

To my knowledge, there has never been a time in American history when the Christian flag was authorized to be hoisted with the American flag to identify ourselves as a Christian nation. 

• I wonder if Biden would add a rainbow-flag lapel pin along side his American flag lapel pin.  

• How did America transition from a nation that found homosexuality repulsive to a nation that overtly endorses it?  

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