
DailyKenn.com — A college professor who declared black-on-black crime to be a myth — even after citing the attempted black-on-black stabbing attempt that ending in a fatal police shooting — thinks police should be abolished. 

Sean Hill, a law professor at The Ohio State University’s Moritz College of Law, wrote, "The number of police killings in the United States far exceed those of other wealthy democracies. Likewise, in the short time between the start of the Chauvin trial and the verdict being announced, at least 64 people were killed by police."

Hill's views were published in a guest column published by dispatch.com

Take aways...

• According to FBI statistics, each year over fifty percent of homicides are committed by blacks who comprise about 13 percent of the population. 

• Many white supremacists support withdrawing police from black neighborhoods, believing that black-on-black homicides will increase. We wonder if Hill knows he may be lending moral support to white supremacists. 

• We wonder if Hill would consider moving into a black housing complex. 

• Denying blacks access to police protection is not anti-racism. 

• What is the difference between the USA and other wealthy democracies? Do other countries not have police? Or does the USA have something not as common in most Western nations.


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