
DailyKenn.com — Antifa is, again, running riot in Portland, Oregon. 

The riot was made "official" after a police declaration Friday evening. Reports say rioters smashed shop windows as they herded through a popular shopping area. 

Take aways...

• Andy Ngô refers to these Antifa incidents as "routine organized violence."

Organization implies organizers. Who are the organizers? What are their names? Where do they live? How do they communicate with antifa members? Where is the DHS/FBI? 

• To our knowledge, Joe Biden remains an antifa denier. He not only refuses to condemn the violent organization, but pretends it doesn't exist. He does, however, believe in man-made climate change and a spectrum of genders. 

• We wonder how much antifa is costing Portland businesses in revenue and, consequently, the city in tax revenue. We wonder how much antifa is costing the city in revenue lost from declined tourism. We wonder why the MLB didn't chose Portland to host its All Star game. 

Excerpted from kgw.com ▼

Within 10 minutes, police declared a riot in the area of Northwest 23rd and Hoyt and started directing people to leave the area. They warned that anyone committing crimes was subject to arrest and the use of force, including tear gas and impact munitions.

One person was arrested. As of 10:45, police said the crowd had wandered away from the area.

Police were aware of the demonstration before it happened and sent out a press release warning of the possibility of criminal activity.


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