
DailyKenn.com — Ever wonder why so many athletes are "taking the knee"?

It could be because coaches are taking a "comply or die" approach. Players apparently have little choice: Take a knee or sit on the bench and be bullied until you leave the team.

Ask Kiersten Hening.

Henning, "a former Virginia Tech women’s soccer player, is suing her former coach after she was allegedly benched and forced off the team because she didn’t want to kneel during a pregame demonstration last September," reports nypost.com

Take away...

• Seems the coach needs intervention, exit counseling, and re-education classes to free him for the grip of the woke cult.

Excerpted from nypost.com ▼

Hening said during the pregame reading of a “unity statement” on Sept. 12, 2020, many of her teammates knelt before their game against Virginia, but she remained standing and she was “verbally attacked” by Adair at halftime.

Adair allegedly pointed a finger “directly in her face” and said that she was “b–tching and moaning.” Hening added that Adair said she was being selfish and individualistic for “doing her own thing.”

Adair continued to target Hening with verbal rants before benching her, the lawsuit stated. According to Hening, things got so “intolerable that she felt compelled” to leave the team.

Hening felt like her constitutional rights were violated and she is suing for an undisclosed amount. She demanded that the judge order Adair to put her back on the team, and to get acclimated with the First Amendment, the lawsuit says.


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