Tuesday, April 27, 2021

DailyKenn.com — Rose McGowan understands dangerous cults. The 47-year-old actress was raised in David Berg's religious sex cult, The Children of God. 

When talking with Tammy Bruce at Fox News, McGowan explained why she no longer votes for Democrats. 

"But I am here to say that you might be in a cult, too, if you don't know the signs. And I do believe Democrats, most especially, are in a deep cult that they really don't know about and aren't really aware of."

Excerpted from businessinsider.com ▼

In an appearance on Fox News on Monday, Rose McGowan attacked the Democratic Party, which she accused of being a "deep cult" whose supporters are in thrall to leaders who don't care about them.

McGowan, a movie star who was one of the leading activists of the #MeToo movement, made the point after noting her childhood growing up in the Children of God cult.

McGowan told Fox News host Tammy Bruce that she used to vote for Democrats herself, but stopped.

"I am not here to make people feel bad about their political choices," McGowan said.


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