Tuesday, April 27, 2021

DailyKenn.com — A horrifying video has emerged of a woman being whipped for talking on a cell phone. 

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The incident reportedly occurred in Afghanistan in 2020. It emerged on Facebook in April, 2021. The victim is heard screaming as three males take turns delivering the lashes. 

Take aways ...

• Not much has changed in the Middle East since Jesus reputedly interrupted the stoning of a woman "taken in adultery." 

• Meanwhile, in Western countries, fake "feminists" complain if a man opens a door for her as being overtly patronizing. 

• Those who oppose this backward culture colonizing in Western nations are vilified as Islamophobes and religious bigots. Those who support Islamic colonization often damn the Ten Commandments on government property but seldom condemn the Islamic hate groups that kill nearly 10,000 "people of color" year-after-year.  

Excerpted from france24.com ▼

According to our Observers, this young woman was accused of “immoral relations” because she spoke on the phone with a young man. The man was also arrested and is being held in a Taliban prison.

The Taliban court meets three times a week in the district of Obe, on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. They deal with complaints filed by locals. Our Observers say that this system exists nearly everywhere in Afghanistan. Sometimes videos of the punishments inflicted by these courts emerge on social media or local media outlets. 

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