Saturday, May 1, 2021 — All of us have mental disorders to some degree. Few of us have disorders severe enough to be diagnosed and treated.

However, Pew Research has revealed that 56.4 percent of young white liberal females have elevated instances of mental health diagnoses. 

This begs the question: Does liberalism cause mental disorders? Or do mental disorders cause liberalism? Or both. 

It appears that far-left ideology appeals to those who are out of touch with reality or those whose brains are more likely to be controlled by emotional rather than cognitive thinking. 

Take away...

• This may explain the weird hair colors, nose piercings, tattoos and armpit hair often associated with young white leftist females.

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As John Nolte pointed out in his Breitbart piece a couple weeks ago (and as Bill Whittle discusses in the video above), the wonderful, utopian fantasy world that leftists pine for – the kind of place where people of diverse colors and backgrounds live in unity, where there is crime only rarely, where there is little to no gun violence, etc. ALREADY EXISTS.  It exists in red America, away from Democrat strongholds, away from elitist arrogant leftists who are the worst offenders of the behaviors they claim to want to eradicate.


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