
DailyKenn.com — We wonder if Democrats will allow non-party members to vote at their conventions — in the name of inclusion.

Probably not. 

Nonetheless, Democrats are touting inclusion as the moral ground to allow aliens to vote in Vermont.

 Aliens who are not American citizens will soon be able to vote in some Vermont elections. The state's senate approved the measure and the governor is expected to allow it to become law. 

The provision allows anyone who is a legal resident, even if not a citizen, to vote in city elections. 

Take aways...

• Democrats see the law as a means to broaden their base. Most aliens tend to support Democratic Party candidates. 

• It is the proverbial slippery slope, one step in the erosion of national identity. 

• Such legislation will likely discourage aliens from becoming citizens. 

• We wonder if Democrats will allow non-party members to vote at their conventions — in the name of inclusion.

Excerpt from foxnews.com ▼

Noncitizens who reside in Vermont's capital city Montpelier are now one step closer to being able to vote in certain local elections after the state Senate approved such a measure on Tuesday.

"I believe if someone wishes to be able to vote they should be a citizen," Vermont state Sen. Brian Collamore told Fox News in an interview. "The Montpelier bill allows what is defined as a legal resident of the United States to be able to vote in city elections. ... If someone is here on a permanent basis, why would he or she not want to participate in the process to become a citizen?"

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05 May 2021